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Profil Penerbit Mizan

Mizan’s history in a nutshell
Mizan –an Arabic word originally means “balance”– was established in 1983 by three university students and two of their seniors. It originally aimed at developing a new genre of Islamic literature in Indonesia. Beginning with publishing only translated foreign books of prominent Muslim writer’s, the character of Mizan’s book has gradually taken the shape of modern and seriously written books representing differing Islamic views.

In response to the needs of its fast growing business, Mizan established Mizan Publika as the holding company in 1999 and launched its reengineering program in 2001. Since then, Mizan has been divided into autonomous and dynamic units that enable it adapt to the rapidly changing business environment.

This reengineering program has launched various strategic business units, such as Mizan Publishing House (PT Mizan Pustaka), DAR! Mizan Publishing House (PT Mizan Bunaya Kreativa) and Hikmah Publishing House.

From a mere three books per month in its first year, the entire Mizan Group has now produced 600 books per year and successfully released many best-selling works. Beginning two years ago, Mizan group has expanded by cooperating with other businesses and organizations; for example, Mizan took over Bentang Budaya and collaborated with Yayasan Lingkar Pena —a productive young writers association— to establish Lingkar Pena Publishing House. Its most recent undertaking was the establishment of Ngefriend Edukomunikasi –widely known as Mizan Cinema– dealing with audiovisual productions, event organizing, training and promotion, and PR consulting.

Other strategic business units have also been established, such as Mizan Media Utama and Mizan Dian Semesta distributors, Mizan Grafika Sarana printing house, and Mizan Learning Center for trainings.

To date Mizan is recognized as one of the most distinguished publishing companies in Indonesia.

Mizan in the future 
Not being satisfied with serving only domestic needs, Mizan has expanded its scope of business abroad. To meet this need, Mizan has established a special strategic business unit by the name of Mizan International with three goals: First, to distribute its books in the Indonesian or Malay language to Asians living abroad; second to translate books from Indonesian language into foreign languages for international market; and third, to seal with copyright matters through its body, the MLA (Mizan Literary Agency). Mizan is at present acquiring one of the leading bookstore chain in Indonesia.

Mizan has also started preparing Mizan Centers to host writers, publishers, literalists, and other members of the reading society. Mizan Centers exist in Jakarta and other big cities equipped with offices, showrooms, meeting rooms, exhibition hall, mini theatre and training rooms.

Mizan also plans to go public through Jakarta Stock Exchange by 2006 after expanding its assets through private placement.

Established in 1999, PT Mizan Publika functions as the holding company of 8 separate business entities and 5 other strategic business units.

Those entities include PT Mizan Pustaka (publishing company), PT Mizan Grafika Sarana (printing company), PT Mizan Dian Semesta (direct selling and marketing company), PT Mizan Media Utama (distribution and marketing company), DAR! Mizan Publishing House (publishing company), PT Bentang Pustaka (publishing company), PT Lingkar Pena (publishing company), Hikmah Publishing House (publishing company), Mizan Cinema (production house), and MP Book Point (book store).

Existing for over two decades in Indonesia, Mizan has shown a growing commitment to create a modern, open-minded and, at the same time, spiritually conscious community. This commitment is materializes through viable knowledge-based companies that are able to respond to the upcoming challenges and demands as well as to the fast changing and ever globalize environment of information and technologies advances.

This is the first company established under the banner of Mizan. Founded in Bandung, West Java, in 1983, it was initially named PT Mizan. By 1984, the name became PT Mizan Pustaka. Along the way, Mizan Pustaka launched DAR! Mizan, a division that would later became a separate business entity. At present, Mizan Pustaka is widely known in Indonesia as a publisher of high quality books on variety of significant issues for Indonesians. 

One division of Mizan Pustaka is the Children and Young Adult Division (CYAD) Inaugurated in 1992, to mark the launching of various innovative products. By developing 7 products lines and 28 series within it, DAR! Mizan regularly wins awards from the Indonesian Book Publishers Association. Apart from books, this company has also produced audiovisual products, games and educational toys along with accessories.

The sector Pelangiku –as one of DAR! Mizan’s brand– also deserves special mention here. It publishes reference and encyclopedic works for children, packaged exclusively in hard-cover.

Established since the year 2000, Hikmah Publishing has produced 450 books. Hikmah focuses on books of a popular nature with themes related to new spirituality, self-development, family, healing, and piety. Several of it have became bestselling books in Indonesia.

In 2004 Mizan acquired Bentang Budaya, a prestigious publisher of books on culture, literature and arts based on the traditional city of Yogyakarta, Central Java. Today, Bentang Pustaka provided Indonesian society with high quality books of philosophy, literature, and culture packaged in attractive and appealing presentations.

As a fast-growing publishing company, it became important to separate the Mizan core publishing business from it sale and distribution activities. Mizan Media Utama was established in 1999 as a marketing and distribution service company.

Mizan Dian Semesta (MDS), previously named Mizan Direct Selling, was established in May 2002 as a company under Mizan Group in charge of direct selling activities. MDS targets the upper-class market by offering specially packaged and luxurious books. The products are not sold in bookstores, but are marketed directly to consumers through door to door services or through special exhibitions. Beside locally produced book, MDS also distributes books publishes abroad.

With its head office in Jakarta, MDS has successfully expanded it distribution network to other major Indonesian cities such as Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, regions of Central Java, and Makassar. MDS market covers private and state companies, educational institutions as well as households.

Iniatially, Mizan Grafika Sarana (MGS) was the Production Division of Mizan formed in 1992 under Mizan Pustaka. The Division managed the initial steps of Mizan’s printing activities, from plate making till the printing and binding process. The Division grew rapidly and in 1995 it became an independent company named Mizan Grafika Sarana.

The growth of Mizan’s printing activities has positively impacted Mizan Grafika Sarana as the number of job orders increased beyond production capacity. In 2004, Mizan invested further in the printing company to build a 2500 m2 factory, equipped with state of the art equipment.

After twenty years of publishing more than 3000 books and publications, Mizan maintain its original spirit, i.e. to produce quality books to contribute to the establishment of modern Indonesia.

To many who are involved in this business (internal stakeholders), Mizan has become a study center. To academicians, scholars, and young writers, Mizan has also offered and will always open to opportunities for expressing their idealism and creativity.

Dari Buku Sampai New Media:
Unit-Unit Usaha di Grup Mizan 

Menapaki usianya yang ke-25, pada 7 Maret 2008, Mizan terus berkembang dan memiliki beragam unit usaha. Unit-unit usaha tersebut kebanyakan berkedudukan di Jakarta dan Bandung. Meskipun demikian, wilayah operasinya berada di luar Jakarta dan Bandung. Bahkan sudah mendunia pula karena lewat situs, produk dan jasa yang dikelola oleh unit-unit usaha Kelompok Mizan dapat dibeli secara online. 

Beberapa unit usaha Kelompok Mizan, yang akan disajikan di sini, tergolong masih baru. Dua unit usaha yang tergolong baru adalah “Mizan Cinema” dan “Mizan New Media”. 

Berikut ini adalah deskripsi dan alamat unit-unit usaha di Kelompok Mizan di luar unit usaha penerbitan. Unit usaha penerbitan di Grup Mizan---yang terdiri atas PT Mizan Pustaka, PT Mizan Bunaya Kreativa/DAR! Mizan, Penerbit Hikmah, PT Bentang Pustaka, PT Lingkar Pena Kreativa, dan Pelangi Mizan---akan dapat dilihat lewat situsnya masing-masing (saat ini sedang dalam pembuatan). 

° Mizan New Media 
° Mizan Cinema
° MP Book Point
° Mizan Media Utama
° Mizan Dian Semesta
° Mizan Grafika Sarana


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